ホームページ / Safety Protection

Safety Protection

01 Hazardous Work Point
02 Entrance Monitoring
Safety light curtains protection of equipment
Photoelectric protective devices are used to monitor the entrances to hazardous areas. Worker interaction with the machines is regular but not frequent. In the context of safety at the entrance of an automatic material conveyor system, it is crucial to reliably differentiate between personnel and materials. Materials should pass through smoothly without causing equipment stoppage. However, if someone enters the monitoring zone, any potentially dangerous actions must be stopped.
03 Buildings and Facilities
LiDAR combined with AGV logistics forklift
Electronic protective devices play a significant role in ensuring the security of public buildings, real estate, residential properties, and other real estate. These devices complement existing protective measures, such as security personnel or structural changes in the building, very effectively. Sensors are effective in preventing vandalism, theft, intrusion, and escape. Safety measures arranged from the outside in can trigger alarms early, giving security personnel more time for intervention.
04 Hazardous Area
Security Light Curtain Multi Sided Access Protection Robot
A hazardous area refers to a region within or around machinery where personnel are at risk of injury or health damage. Threats caused by risks can be persistent or unexpected.
Laser Scanning Radar
Through laser scanning to accurately restore the surrounding environment, if an object enters the preset warning area, the lidar will provide an audible and visual warning signal to the operator. Lidar has been widely used in many fields such as driverless near-field obstacle avoidance, service robot autonomous positioning and navigation, AGV obstacle avoidance and navigation, factory area operation safety protection, intelligent security safety monitoring, and smart transportation vehicle detection.
05 Machinery and Equipment
06 Monitoring Gates and Hatches
Security sensor product portfolio protects unmanned work areas
For safety functionality, doors of separated protective facilities should be locked. Safety locking devices are used to temporarily block entrances. 
Meanwhile, the safety system monitors the doors and skylights.
07 Position
Measure the light curtain for spray testing
The machine's position, machine end positions, or machine component positioning are reliably monitored.
Safety switches
08 Action
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DADISICK は過去 18 年間、技術研究開発、製品革新、実用化に注力してきました。現場での製造と自動化に関する豊富な知識を活かして、お客様をサポートしています。当社の使命は、生産におけるスタンピング事故の防止に重点を置いた安全保護企業の開発にあります。この使命が、当社の製品範囲の継続的な革新と拡大を推進しています。


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